CHAN_NMS - NMS Open Access Asterisk channel
CHAN_NMS is an Asterisk PBX channel driver that supports
NMS Communications
(acquired by Dialogic)
Open Access line of products, that includes E1/T1
for PCI(-X), PCIe, and cPCI(e) bus.
For a list of features and development status read the README.
-- chan_nms: ctahd: 0x80080005; userid: 0; Event: NCCEVN_PLACING_CALL
== chan_nms:670 timeslots_monitor: setting channel state to DIALING
-- chan_nms: ctahd: 0x80080005; userid: 0; Event: NCCEVN_CALL_PROCEEDING
== chan_nms:676 timeslots_monitor: call proceeded successfully
-- chan_nms: ctahd: 0x80080005; userid: 0; Event: NCCEVN_EXTENDED_CALL_STATUS_UPDATE, NCC_X_STATUS_INFO_PROGRESSDESCR
-- chan_nms:707 timeslots_monitor: Q.931 progress description: 8
-- chan_nms: ctahd: 0x80080005; userid: 0; Event: NCCEVN_REMOTE_ALERTING
== chan_nms:689 timeslots_monitor: setting channel state to RINGING
-- chan_nms: ctahd: 0x80080005; userid: 0; Event: NCCEVN_REMOTE_ANSWERED, NCC_ANSWER_VOICE
-- chan_nms: ctahd: 0x80080005; userid: 0; Event: NCCEVN_CALL_CONNECTED, NCC_CON_VOICE_BEGIN
== chan_nms:725 timeslots_monitor: setting channel state to UP
-- chan_nms.c:740 timeslots_monitor: calling adiRecordAsync() with format: 4; datalen: 160
-- chan_nms: ctahd: 0x80080005; userid: 0; Event: ADIEVN_RECORD_STARTED, buf requested
-- NMS answered SIP/123-0a180478
-- chan_nms:1032 nms_indicate: indicating AST_CONTROL_SRCUPDATE - Source of media has changed
-- chan_nms:1054 nms_indicate: nothing to do
-- chan_nms.c:1092 nms_write: calling adiPlayAsync() with format: 4; length: 160
-- chan_nms.c:778 timeslots_monitor: userid 0; play underrun occured: 5
-- chan_nms:749 timeslots_monitor: record buffer requested 20001
-- chan_nms:1032 nms_indicate: indicating AST_CONTROL_SRCUPDATE - Source of media has changed
-- chan_nms:1054 nms_indicate: nothing to do
-- chan_nms:894 nms_hangup: entered
== chan_nms.c:897 nms_hangup: hangup NMS: Unknown
-- chan_nms:906 nms_hangup: calling nccDisconnectCall
-- chan_nms:919 nms_hangup: exiting
== Spawn extension (nms, 0200, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/123-0a180478'
-- chan_nms: ctahd: 0x80080005; userid: 0; Event: ADIEVN_PLAY_DONE, Released , nbytes=38400
-- chan_nms: ctahd: 0x80080005; userid: 0; Event: ADIEVN_RECORD_DONE, Released , nbytes=39280
-- chan_nms: ctahd: 0x80080005; userid: 0; Event: NCCEVN_CALL_DISCONNECTED
-- chan_nms.c:812 timeslots_monitor: Q.931 release cause: 16: Normal Clearing
-- chan_nms:820 timeslots_monitor: userid: 0; calling nccReleaseCall
-- chan_nms: ctahd: 0x80080005; userid: 0; Event: NCCEVN_CALL_RELEASED